At the Museum’s heart is a love for objects—objects that significantly embody profoundly human personal and collective narratives. As guardians of such objects, museums are at once artistic platforms for the daringly new and repositories for the ancient.
Our museum is engaged in assessing and re-assessing black cultural and artistic production thereby helping daughters and sons of the African Diaspora appreciate who they are at home, as well as in the world beyond. Within this framework, the National Center of Afro-American Artists celebrates the extraordinary visual arts heritage of black peoples worldwide. Soon, we will soon mark a half century of honoring global black contributions to the universal art and culture.
The specialized presentations that museums create from objects are exhibitions. And though exhibitions may hold as much information as books, they offer a different and distinct experience, one that is emotional and sensory as much as intellectual. Though its exhibition activity, the Museum of the National Center of Afro-American Artists (NCAAA) has sought to present black people as a global community existing in reciprocal relationship with all other cultures. This viewpoint was there from our inception. We were Diasporan in our approach well before the notion of Diaspora Studies became current. In the spirit of documenting this history, we have chosen to publish listing of our exhibitions in particular domains from the launching of our work in January of 1970.
ASPELTA: A Nubian King’s Burial Chamber
Think About It – The Art of Lawrence Pierce